What is likely to be be doing this?


9 Years
Aug 18, 2013
Southern Maine
Hey Byc

I have(Had) a flock of about 40 birds who free range. They most free range in the grass right next to the barn. But a few braver chickens often lead by their rooster who range afar into the corn field. This is normally not issue, we have a lot of crows, dogs, people etc... that help deter most predators away from the area. Most of my "losses" up until now have been from neighbors cats grabbing a bantam, or someones dog getting lost and finding it's way to chicken's yard.

However tonight when locked up the flock I was 7 chickens short. All in one day. 6 hens and one silkie rooster. They are all from the group that ranged into the corn field, and none of those that stay in the yard are gone.
I suspect it might have been coyotes, but I don't normally see any during the day. And never close enough to grab chickens from the corn field.

Are the coyotes coming into the field during the day? Or is there some other predator that can make off with that many uncaged birds at once that i'm not thinking of?
I would be inclined to think a pack of coyotes could be the culprits. Of course they will come out during day when they are hungry. This time of year food sources are dwindling, so hunger has to be met anyway it can.
Did you find any remains?

Could have been various predators...probably canine, one or maybe more.

Many preds will kill multiple birds in an opportunistic frenzy,
then(if undisturbed) carry them off to cache one by one.
Are you sure they didn't just wander off and decide to roost somewhere else??
Something killing 7 birds would have caused quite a commotion and a lot of noise, and feathers all over.

If they did get eaten, I vote coyotes or fox.
Kits are starting to disperse, they tend to move into more risky areas and "thrill" kill.
Hard to say. From a distance it sounds like a pack of coyotes.

Whatever it was, you can be certain they will be back for more and won't be long getting there.

What is your plan to thwart them?

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