Brown egg question

Lol I didn't even notice that they mentioned leghorns; good catch @donrae

I've never had leghorns, thanks to that obnoxious Foghorn Leghorn on Looney Tunes

Maybe it's time to try; I am lacking for big white eggs in my basket

So, is the rule of thumb on red earlobes= brown eggs, white earlobes=white eggs ALWAYS true?

Nope. Legbars lay blue eggs and have white lobes. There's another breed that has white lobes and lays brown eggs, can't think of it right off. It's a general rule of thumb, not not 100%.

I'm really liking my two white Leghorns I held over. They're small, don't eat a ton, and lay nice big white eggs every blessed day, just about. I've always heard they're flighty but mine must not have read the manual. They're constantly underfoot
. And the white eggs do really set off the other colors of eggs in a carton.

Plus, one of mine is considerate enough to lay where I'm sure to give her credit for the egg.....


The reason that people covet brown shelled eggs is because the chicken farmers of a 100+ years ago spread the misinformation that if you ate white eggs then all your children would be born butt naked or some other BS.

Well, that explains it, my parents never had any brown eggs until I started giving them some of mine!

Vertical laying boxes. Interesting concept...
Well, that explains it, my parents never had any brown eggs until I started giving them some of mine!

Vertical laying boxes. Interesting concept...
Ask your mom if you weren't born into this worlds as naked as a Jay Bird.

I bet you'll discover that i am right about brown eggs clothing the naked as well as feeding the hungry.

You're the proof.
Lol I didn't even notice that they mentioned leghorns; good catch @donrae :D

I've never had leghorns, thanks to that obnoxious Foghorn Leghorn on Looney Tunes :p

Maybe it's time to try; I am lacking for big white eggs in my basket :)

So, is the rule of thumb on red earlobes= brown eggs, white earlobes=white eggs ALWAYS true?

There is no genetic linkage to earlobe color and egg shell color. The red ear lobes – brown shell and white ear lobes – white shell color is generally true in purebreds because that’s the way the people that designed the chickens wanted them. Once you start crossbreeding that’s totally out of the window.

These are some examples of purebreds where it does not work. There are several more depending on whether you consider a “tinted” egg to be brown or white.

Crevecoeur – Red Lobes – White Shell
Holland – Red Lobes - White Shell
Lamona – Red Lobes – White Shell
Penedesenca - White Lobes –Brown Shell
Phoenix – Red Lobes – White Shell

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