New Chicken Owner- Sick Chicken

So sorry to hear you lost your other little girl too. Are you having a professional necropsy done or attempting your own DIY examination. (It's not clear from your post.) If the latter, please take plenty of photographs and post them because there are some of us on BYC who do our own and have a little experience at spotting abnormalities.
I have Marek's in my flock and if that's what it is, there is nothing you could have done, as there is no recognised treatment. All any of us can do is our best for our animals with the knowledge we have and hope to improve that through reading and experience as we go on. It is heart breaking to lose them but finding out why is a good way to improve that knowledge for next time.

Best wishes

Hi Barbara,

Thanks for the support. I will be bringing her in to the University of Minnesota for the necropsy. I will be sure to update everyone on the results.
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to update on the results of the necropsy. The University of Minnesota found that Little Girl had Marek's disease. I highly suspected this was the case, unfortunately. I also suspect that that was why our other chicken passed away so suddenly. I am hoping this information can help others if their chickens are experiencing similar symptoms. It looks like we will need to have chickens that are vaccinated for Marek's in the future.. it doesn't seem like it goes away quickly from the environment. I am hoping it's fairly easy to find chickens who have been vaccinated, but I guess we will see in the spring. Thank you all for your wonderful help through this process!
Thanks for updating this thread. It is sure to help others.

I'm so sorry you've had the burden of so much grief. It's good to know what you're dealing with, and now you can move forward.

All reputable hatcheries will vaccinate your order of chicks for Marek's. It's nominal, something like $1 extra each. You will need to quarantine the new chicks for three weeks or so until the immunity takes hold. But they stand a very good chance of not succumbing to the virus.

It's going to be necessary for you to practice strict biosecurity so the virus isn't walked off your property to the rest of the town. Marek's is extremely long-lived in the environment, and can be brought into feed stores and the grocery store on your shoes, then walked home to other people's chickens. Have a pair of footwear you wear only on your premises and no where else.

Marek's is a horrible virus but it has a vaccination, unlike others. My flock carries one of those.
So sorry to hear you have Marek's too. That said, I don't find it nearly as much of a problem as some people but I think I am fortunate to have a relatively mild strain. I had 3 chicks suffer outbreaks of it this year from 56 hatched by my broody hens and two died but one has fully recovered....until the next attack of course, which may happen later this winter or possibly not till next autumn/'s quite seasonal I find. I don't vaccinate and believe that breeding from my surviving chickens is the way forward.
I think in your situation probably either buying vaccinated chicks or adult hens that are past the vulnerable age of catching it, are your best options for restocking, but as stated, you will need to practice quite strict biosecurity, particularly between your existing set up and your new vaccinated chicks for several weeks until they have had time to develop immunity.

Good luck moving forward.



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