Your story or photo of chicken predation

I had 3 beautiful silkie pullets. I was super attached to them as one of them grew up a lone chick and then I hatched out two more. One of the two got a pretty bad case of wry neck but after a few months of constant care she finally got better. I finally moved them out to the coop and everything was perfect. One morning around 10 am in August I went outside to go check them and give them their morning treat. They loved cooked rice so I brought that to them. As I'm turning the corner I see that the coop door is open and I immediately drop my jaw and the rice. I run over to the coop and in front of the door is my black silkie (the one that had the wry neck) and her neck was snapped but no other wounds. So I open the coop door and I'm looking around and looking and looking and I didn't see my babies. So I close the coop door and open it again because I couldn't believe what was happening to me. So I call my boyfriend hysterically crying but he didn't get off work for another 3 hours. So for those 3 hours I looked around for my other two babies with no evidence. My boyfriend comes over and he finds one of them behind my shed and the head was completely off and about 5 feet away from the body. It was opened up and I found the heart about 2 feet away. We never did find the third silkie (who was my favorite because she was the lone chick who came on vacations with me). That was absolutely heart breaking. We caught about 4 raccoons in a week and ever since then I haven't caught another nor had problems with predators. I knew it was a raccoon that got my babies because there was a muddy foot print on my white run where the door is. I now have a flock of 2 arucaunas a silkie and a mixed roo
I use to have a flock of approx. 75 hens, a dozen ducks, a few geese, 2 peacocks.

I had a huge field behind the house and coops.

I use to let the birds roam when I was home. Well a pair of coyotes set up shop in the woods beyond the field.

They came a calling one Saturday afternoon and fortunately I had the windows open and all the squawking and honking alerted me. The yotes were stalking and I was able to intercede before they even launched.

The following week my one neighbor who could see my place told me the yotes were nosing around my coops all week while I was at work.

The next Saturday I let the birds out. I set up shop at the corner of the big coop, with shot gun in lap.

Sure enough around 10 am the yotes appeared in the field, heads held high looking at the birds.

They slowly inched their way closer and closer. The geese were the first to spot them and sound the alarm. The chickens, ducks soon spotted them and started becoming very very nervous. The yotes were extremely focused.

The yotes got about 20 yards from the birds and launched, full speed ahead. I stood up, raised shotgun. The yotes never saw me they we so focused on the scattering flock they didn't notice me stand up.

I put the bead on the closest yote and fired, dead in his tracks, the second yote immediately did a 360, full speed ahead with her tail between her legs. Bead on, fire, rear end over head, she popped up, bead on fire, head over heals, down, she didn't pop back up.

They were less than 20 yards from me when I stood up. They were probably a breeding paid, one male, one female.

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