Thoughts You Never had Until You Owned Chickens


Queen of the Coop
11 Years
Jun 16, 2012
Tending to my chickens
Today while cleaning the coop, I realized how many thoughts relating to chickens and the experience with them that I've had. For example, today I thought, "You guys had better know how much I love you since I'm out here cleaning your coop instead of being warm and cozy inside."

What thoughts have other chicken owners had?
I know I've had some weird thoughts since owning chickens, but my mother takes the cake. She said it aloud, rather than just thinking it, but I thought this was the perfect place to share it.
My mom had a full out argument with my RIR hen one time, and my brother just laughed from inside the house. Louisa liked to sleep in the garage (so she did...) and liked to know where everyone was (because everyone would give her treats whenever she went up to them). She eventually found the window that has a storage box under it, and hopped right up to peer inside. My mom, ever the city girl, hates her going on the deck because "what if she poops?" So she goes out and says: "Henny-Penny, get down right now!" and she shoved Louisa off. Then Louie hopped right back on top, squawking at my mom all the while. "No! Bad chicken, Henny-Penny down!" and pushed her off again.
Well, Louie had just about had it, and hopped up again, clucking like there was no tomorrow. This repeated 4-5 times before my mom stormed inside, and Louie got to look through the window to her spoiled little hearts content, squawking at my mom whenever she'd pass the window. (Louisa is really tame, but hates being moved from anywhere she deems "her place". Since we all know she's non-aggressive, it makes the whole confrontation funnier.)
I can tell you a thought I have not had since owning chickens 'I might sleep in this morning'

Thought I never had until I owned chickens and never imagined myself wondering ... 'Do we need to order more meal worms'

'What can we have for dinner tonight, the left overs of which the chickens can have for breakfast'
Teila, do you need a "Care" package? I always have leftovers - I am a lousy cook but, they probably can sustain life if necessary.

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