Shed conversion... will this work?

Yes, that happened to me as well.
Just FYI, all those coops that they sell online, in stores from different places always seem to use the same dimensions that is used for battery hens.
Unfortunately the premade coops vastly overstate the number of birds that can comfortably coexist in the space.
Folks on here either have learned the hard way or started off with knowledge about how unrealistic those coops really are.

It is a real bummer that they don't advertise them properly.

The other main problem is the materials used are as lightweight as they can get. The equivelent of balsa wood. They offer about as much predator protection as a toilet paper tube.

Have you the option or ability to let your gals have the whole shed?

It is what I would do.
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The same thing. Happened to me. My MIL bought this georgeous coop from a website that advertised it could fit 10 hens. It was so small, I hatched 7 chicks and I put them in their and saw how horribly crowded it was for those chicks that were only 10 weeks old, and decided I could quadtdriple the size for the same price.
So I decided to expand everything, and it has become a constant expansion because I enjoy having so many different breeds!!
Oh my gosh.... I knew it was wrong, but I guess I didn't know how wrong. My husband is going to kill me. He wanted to give the chickens most of the shed and I talked him down. Having chickens is something I have always wanted and my hubby has finally decided to support me. We spent the weekend building this. How do I break it to him that we need to take it all down...
Just explain that you learned that the premade coops are not listing the size for happy hen living. Let him know that you found a site that has thousands of long term chicken keepers and what was recommended.

Tell him he was right. :cool:

I bought mine a Harley for helping me build this coop.


He bought me a motorcycle for helping him build this one.

Not sure how you can bribe yours.
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I agree,just tell him he was right. Then have a plan on how to redo the living space.
I usually start out by telling my husband, I will do it all. Don't worry!!
Then he sees my building skills are quite lacking, and ends up helping me most of the way.
Who knows it may be when I start saying "ahh, that's close enough" in regards to measuring walls, etc.. that he just can't take it any more!
Good luck, and like I said, just tell him he was right!!

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