~«Survival By War»~ (Warrior cat rp)

Shrugging, Sagepaw sat down, curling her white tail around her paws. She lifted a paw, cleaning it slowly, before drawing it over one ear. "I wonder where Crowpaw is." She murmured, sighing wistfully.
"Probably off having the time of his life," Blackwind mused, then offered her a long, deep look. "The only downside has to be not having you by his side."
"They do need milk soon," Ashstripe agreed softly, not letting herself be moved to greater grief by Nettlepaw's ferocity against the kits' placement.
Milk. Milk. They just need milk.
"They probably shouldn't go without it for more than a quarter-sun." Her eyes gradually returned to their prior state of desolation and she dropped her head back to her paws. "I really can't be the one to nurse them. What about our current queens?"
Nettlepaw, muttering bitterly about kits being taken from their mothers, looked up at her suddenly. "Queens? Oh...Ambermoon's kits are weaned already, they're almost apprentices. I doubt she could nurse them. No one else has kits or is expecting though."
She flattened her dust colored ears, dark blue eyes flickering around the den. "It's just so...." She leapt to her paws, pacing irritated circles around the den. "Frustrating! All of this is! Willowstar...Willowstar is a monster." She snarled. She knew she should calm down for Ashstripe's sake. But the anger that was boiling inside her chest would not settle down. "They should be with you!"
"Probably off having the time of his life," Blackwind mused, then offered her a long, deep look. "The only downside has to be not having you by his side."
"Me." Sagepaw snorted. "Why would he want me to be with him? I ran away, and left him to suffer by himself, leaving him to think I was dead." Her shoulders slumped with a sigh, a frown on her muzzle.
"Me." Sagepaw snorted. "Why would he want me to be with him? I ran away, and left him to suffer by himself, leaving him to think I was dead." Her shoulders slumped with a sigh, a frown on her muzzle.
"Sage, no." Blackwind frowned dismissively and dared to loosen his neck muscles enough to look at her squarely. "Everyone has to cope with loss in their own way. Leaving was yours. If he somehow finds it in him to blame you, then he's so wrong." Blackwind broke their visual connection then to shake his head forcefully. "And he doesn't. Don't you remember his elation when you came home?"
Nettlepaw, muttering bitterly about kits being taken from their mothers, looked up at her suddenly. "Queens? Oh...Ambermoon's kits are weaned already, they're almost apprentices. I doubt she could nurse them. No one else has kits or is expecting though."
She flattened her dust colored ears, dark blue eyes flickering around the den. "It's just so...." She leapt to her paws, pacing irritated circles around the den. "Frustrating! All of this is! Willowstar...Willowstar is a monster." She snarled. She knew she should calm down for Ashstripe's sake. But the anger that was boiling inside her chest would not settle down. "They should be with you!"
"Greyfur," Ashstripe hissed suddenly, ears perking as her head lifted. She purposely skimmed over Nettlepaw's fury and hurriedly continued on. "Perhaps this litter is exactly what she needs in her stage of grief over her own kits."
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"Why would you ask that, Sootstorm?" Ravenpaw asked calmly, curling her tail around her paws as she sat down. She looked up at her mentor with large green eyes that revealed nothing. "They're merely talking about dreams. Nothing wrong in that, surely?"
“I surely don’t dream about demon cats on a regular basis,” Sootstorm asserted wryly. His whiskers twitched as his curious gaze evolved into a threatening glare of scrutiny. “Is that something only apprentices’ minds do? I know I can be idiotic, but surely I’d remember dreams like that even today.”
Crowpaw held his head, but only just. Suddenly he seemed to snap back into consciousness, finally fixating his eyes on her. "Nothing. Nothing. I'm fine. It's nothing. Just a dream. I'm fine." He pulled away from her, scrambling to his paws. He tested the ground uneasily, paws trembling. His heart was beating hard in his chest, and was so sure she could hear him. He glanced at her before looking away quickly. "Really, I'm fine."
"A dream so intense that it comes while you're awake?" Hazelpaw's whiskers twitched and she fell back onto her haunches. A sad little grimace spread across her muzzle, screaming the sympathy she wanted him to unlock by admitting whatever was so violently plaguing him. "That doesn't seem so fine to me."
"Sage, no." Blackwind frowned dismissively and dared to loosen his neck muscles enough to look at her squarely. "Everyone has to cope with loss in their own way. Leaving was yours. If he somehow finds it in him to blame you, then he's so wrong." Blackwind broke their visual connection then to shake his head forcefully. "And he doesn't. Don't you remember his elation when you came home?"
"I...I guess...." Sagepaw reached out a delicate paw, rolling a smooth stone under the pad of her paw. "I just feel guilty for what I did, I guess. I was disloyal to my clan, and even as a kit I knew that. I guess you're right though." She leaned forward, giving him a swift lift on the ear. "You're awesome, you know that?"
"Greyfur," Ashstripe hissed suddenly, ears perking as her head lifted. She purposely skimmed over Nettlepaw's fury and hurriedly continued on. "Perhaps this litter is exactly what she needs in her stage of grief over her own kits."
Nettlepaw froze, her tail stopped lashing completely. "You're a genius, Ashstripe!" She mewed, though her voice still holding a hint of agression, giving away just enough to tell how irritated she was at Willowstar.

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