

In the Brooder
Jun 7, 2016
Narre Warren

Hi everyone,

I need some help in sexing my Australorps! I've only ever had Silkies and can usually tell them apart quite easily when they get to a certain age, but I'm having trouble with these guys, I know of one them is DEFINITELY a roo.. the big guy in the background of one of my pictures, so I've been comparing the others to him.. but their combs and wattles don't seem to be as pronounced as "Big Reds". They do seem to "Square up" with each other sometimes but I'm really not sure! If anyone can help with confirmation that would be much appreciated!
Those pictured are all cockerels. The red in the should is a dead giveaway, and I can see they all have male hackle and saddle feathers coming in.

Also, I'm not sure, you guys may have a different standard in Australia, but here a blue australorp is supposed to be all blue, no red. So if that's the case there too then those aren't australorps either, maybe mixed breeds.
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1 and 3 look like roos to me and 2 looks like a hen.
I always look at the hackle and saddle feathers if they are pointy its male rounded means female. Though i could be wrong just a guess though.

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