Unexpected Benefits of Chicken Raising

Mountain Peeps

Jesus is my life
Premium Feather Member
9 Years
Apr 23, 2014
My Coop
My Coop
I'm curious what are some of your unexpected benefits that came with chicken raising? Of course everyone thinks of the eggs and other obvious pros, but what are some advantages that occurred through you owning a flock that you weren't expecting?

I know for me that the chickens' personalities were a huge benefit that I wasn't expecting. I also didn't know building their coop right outside our kitchen window would be such a great thing and that chickens made such great models for photography.

Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences below.
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For me the unexpected benefit came with my later in life flock - I had grown up keeping chickens from the time I was a young child obsessed with chickens who had a doting father that built me a coop and family that supported my obsession, but that flock and property were sold off mid-high school due to changes in the family situation......I was flockless for many sad, chickenless years until I finally convinced my husband that we NEEDED chickens, commandeered part of the barn to be re-purposed as a coop and trekked off to the feed store with my kids in tow. This is where the unexpected benefit comes in - chickens turned out to be something that my DS and I could share. We had never had anything else that both of us really loved to do that we could have as a bond between us (my DD and I are like peas in a pod, so I struggled with not having something for DS and I). It has been absolutely a blessing to see the same passion I had when I was the kid with the chickens come out in him, and to be able to share all the joy of chicken keeping between the two of us....and I am VERY MUCH looking forward to rekindling that shared passion again when we finish this newest coop and bring home our new flock to our new home here in Oregon.
I never expected to buy chickens and create a loyal pet. They're some of my best friends. That is one major benefit.

I also learned through keeping chickens to become more responsible and hardworking. I've learned to keep persevering even when I don't want to, and to never quit. Through doing that, they have taught me that sometimes, you have to take care of others before yourself so that everyone is happy.
I never expected to buy chickens and create a loyal pet. They're some of my best friends. That is one major benefit.

I also learned through keeping chickens to become more responsible and hardworking. I've learned to keep persevering even when I don't want to, and to never quit. Through doing that, they have taught me that sometimes, you have to take care of others before yourself so that everyone is happy.

When i was young we raised chickens for food. It was my job to take care fo them and it was just that a job. My wife talked me into getting chicks a few years ago. I never realized what fun they could be as pets. I love their individual personalities. And there is nothing greater than sitting in my backyard on a spring or summer day, after a stressful day in the ofice, sipping a dirnk, having the girls walk by talkjng to me as they free range the backyard. They have become one of my best stress relievers. Sometimes they even jump up in my lap!


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