Good broody

Of my birds...

Speckled Sussex, only broody twice in several years
Black Australorps, mine have never been broody
Easter Eggers, mine not broody
White Leghorn, mine not broody
Also have some young Partridge Rock and they haven't gone broody yet.
My only proven broody is my black old English game bantam. She goes broody often and keeps her chicks a long time. She's clean legged of course. She's tiny though, so you can't fit many large fowl eggs under her.
Your Orpingtons may be more inclined to brood since you're in England. Here in the US, most of our hatchery stock has had the broodiness bred out, or down quite a bit.

I'm going to toss out a vote for Dark Cornish. Mine were fantastic broody mommas, even sneaking away and hatching clutches in the blackberries I knew nothing about
. Large, meaty birds, good foragers, decent layers. No feathers on the legs

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