Week old Japanese Quail


Feb 26, 2017
Hi guys,
I have 14, week old (nearly two week old), Japanese quails. All are doing fine except for one whose wings look crooked and right leg is swollen and seems to be unusable. He is getting to the food by dragging his body using his one good leg but he is half the size of the rest. I feel really awful for him and want to help him but I don't know what to do, do you guys have and suggestions?
Do you think he has injured the leg? Is there any scab or sore on his foot pad or toes? Google chick chairs and slings for some really good pictures of homemade chairs. These are great for resting their legs, and putting the food and water right in front of them. You can make small ones out of cups.
There's no wounds that I can see on his leg. It seems to be bent a little though and where it is swollen on the thigh it has black colouring
Black could be bruising, but I'm not familiar with quail. It could be a slipped or ruptured hock tendon or sprain. Can you also post on the quail thread? Go up to the Forum heading, and drop down to Other Backyard Poultry heading, then over to quail.
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