Introducing the New Girls!


In the Brooder
Jan 17, 2017
As I get into year 3 of chicken raising, I am excited to announce that I have now participated in purchasing chicks through the mail! Living in an area where the variety or breeds are limited, or maybe I just am not searching for the right resources... I decided to purchase from Ideal Poultry and I am pleasantly surprised with the chicks.

One learning lesson from this whole process is that when ordering, request not to have male chicks sent. It was a little nerve-racking to decide how we could get rehome them, but a good ol' post on Craigslist allowed us to have them picked up...

Once the dilemma was over, then we could focus on our new 7 baby girls. I have never raised chicks, didn't even think they were coming to me as just a few days old, so had to think quickly and use ideas here from Backyard chickens to create a Brooder in the garage.

They are now three weeks and are in an outdoor brooder that was converted from a dog house. So far, so good with these chicks, and I look forward to them joining the whole pack!


Golden Lace Wyandotte


Nacked Neck

Rhode Island Red


Barred Rock

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What gorgeous chicks! I love their names. May they be happy and healthy! <3

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