Chickenmama6rir CHAT Thread!!!

I have 7. 3 Amber-Link hens, 1 White Leghorn hen, 1 Buff Brahma pullet, 1 Olive Egger pullet, and 1 Chocolate Cuckoo Orpington cockerel. I also have a beta fish and a 1/2 quarter horse, 1/4 mustang, 1/4 thoroughbred horse.

What about you?
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I wish I had a horse. We are in plan to start clearing a pasture, but nothing yet lol! I have 2 leghorns chicks( pullets), 4 Rhode island red chicks( pullets), 3 buff orpingtons( about 10 weeks old 2 cockerels and one pullet), 2 EEs( about 8 weeks old one cockerels and one pullet), and one silkie chicken( about 6 months old I think, pullet). I also have 2 dogs, 2 cats, 1 fancy goldfish, and one bunny :D
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