Covering existing electrical wiring?

Maybe down the line we can replace it all, but it's not an option financially right now. For what it's worth, we've lived here for almost 6 years and JUST figured out that building even HAD electricity running to it. (Yes, we really never used it other than hubby storing the riding mower in there last fall.)
If it is unused, and no plans to use, consider pulling it out. That would be the safest option. If it is used, consider replacing the existing wire with metal covered "Armorlite" cable, or at least covering with some type of conduit. The cable that was used was meant to be inside walls to meet code. A electrical inspector would not like how that shed is wired right now.
If it is unused, and no plans to use, consider pulling it out. That would be the safest option. If it is used, consider replacing the existing wire with metal covered "Armorlite" cable, or at least covering with some type of conduit. The cable that was used was meant to be inside walls to meet code. A electrical inspector would not like how that shed is wired right now.

We do plan to use it, as we'll be heating the water in the winter. Is replacing the cable something I could do myself (with *some* knowledge of how electricity works, etc. Engineering background.)?
Yes you can, open up each connection point, be it switch, outlet, or fixture. Do it one cable at a time. Just make sure to turn off the power to the shed at the breaker, getting buzzed by house current is not fun. do some research on YouTube, There has to be DYI vids you can find to learn some. Make sure you connect the ground wire at each connection point!
Thank you! That would make me feel better about having the chickens in there if it were more protected, and the pricing on shorter lengths isn't prohibitive. This would also allow me to switch the outlets to GFCI.

PS - I just noticed you're out in Spanaway. We're planning on moving to the Olympia area in a few (3-5ish) years.
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