I killed my first hen.

thanks but it's not mine! lol
I've been thinking about getting some meat bird a lot lately so I have been researching all things involved from raising to cleaning.
I had that video bookmarked for the future.

I also really liked the ladies accent! lol
Also, I don't think I got the whole neck. is that bad? There's some bone and a bit of blood still in that area.
No, it's fine. There are actually those who would be horrified about cutting off the neck and wasting it!! LOL! Yes, wings are hard to skin, no worries and yes, that yellow stuff is fat. Some birds have white fat, I believe it's a trait that is deliberately bred for. It does not matter the color, it's still the same stuff. And also yes, let the bird age for a few days. You are doing fantastic! It will make a delicious meal.
Congrats on your first time!

Just for future reference, we usually sear those hairy feathers with a propane torch. Or, if there aren't many, I just go ahead and cook the bird with them on. I like the skin in place for the cooking, but we don't usually eat it, so no one eats hairy feathers.

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