AudriAnna's Americauna's

Lol not likely.
I will mention one of the month old chicks has turned out to be a little rooster who's basically meaner than I thought possible. It would actively attack me from hatch day and is already mounting the other chicks.
I put it and the rest out with the big birds. While the 2 months old and the rest of the month old chicks stay mostly in the coop he's out actively trying to start $#!÷ with not 1 but 2 yearling Khaki Campbell drakes.
I grew up around southern game chickens who are well known for not being cowards and for the Roosters almost always fighting to the death.
This chick is a pure little demon.
Nope! Best way of getting in trouble is mentioning them.
In other news one of the chicks I hatched last month is a little demon bird. Goes out of the way to attack my hand and now that it's out with the rest it keeps going after my khaki Campbell drakes which are full grown.
He's going to get his butt whipped but maybe it'll straighten him out.
Well been a while. We've been busy getting garden built along with fencing.
I Have sold about 20 chicks and older birds. I also got rid of my jerk rooster Vader and most of the Australorp hens. I Have added 3 cuckoo Marans along with a light Brahma.
Best news is we finally got some silver Ameraucana chicks. I hatched some shipped eggs about a week ago and now have 4 chicks growing.
More news later about selling chicks along with neighbor problems.

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