Twin Pigeons


8 Years
Sep 25, 2015
We had two eggs under one of our pairs and the first egg hatched two days ago.... This morning I decided to candle the other egg in the nest since it's sibling hatched two days ago. I candled the egg I saw right away that it had died a day or two before, so I cracked it open and the first thing I saw was two heads right by the air sack and both beaks were pointing down. I couldn't believe that WE had twins! The day before I ever even saw this egg I just happened to be reading about twin pigeons, but never thought it would actually happen to us. I'm VERY sad they didn't make it out, I even heard one of them pecking at the shell on the day their sibling hatched...
Has anyone else had this happen with pigeons?
We had two eggs under one of our pairs and the first egg hatched two days ago.... This morning I decided to candle the other egg in the nest since it's sibling hatched two days ago. I candled the egg I saw right away that it had died a day or two before, so I cracked it open and the first thing I saw was two heads right by the air sack and both beaks were pointing down. I couldn't believe that WE had twins! The day before I ever even saw this egg I just happened to be reading about twin pigeons, but never thought it would actually happen to us. I'm VERY sad they didn't make it out, I even heard one of them pecking at the shell on the day their sibling hatched...
Has anyone else had this happen with pigeons?
Bless their hearts. I am sorry you lost them.
Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't know that pigeons could have twins!
We had two eggs under one of our pairs and the first egg hatched two days ago.... This morning I decided to candle the other egg in the nest since it's sibling hatched two days ago. I candled the egg I saw right away that it had died a day or two before, so I cracked it open and the first thing I saw was two heads right by the air sack and both beaks were pointing down. I couldn't believe that WE had twins! The day before I ever even saw this egg I just happened to be reading about twin pigeons, but never thought it would actually happen to us. I'm VERY sad they didn't make it out, I even heard one of them pecking at the shell on the day their sibling hatched...:hit Has anyone else had this happen with pigeons?
I couldn't believe that WE had twins! The day before I ever even saw this egg I just happened to be reading about twin pigeons,.
Has anyone else had this happen with pigeons? That is a first I ever heard of it happening to pigeons. I did hear on rare occasions of pigeons laying 3 eggs before. I knew twins sometimes happen with chickens. It would have been interesting to witness their development. It just was not meant to be back yard buddy. Hope everything goes well with the remaining squab. Heartache is part and parcel of being a pigeon fancier. It is what keeps us human.
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