3 diff age goslings, how do I get them outside?

Hmm, this pic didn't upload with my above post. Oh well, this is The Shire this morning at sunrise. So sweet to see them in there.


So cute! Nice setup!
Yeah 13 ducklings! Entertaining to say the least! One was a drake and so we just sold him thursday. I didnt plan for a drake but we have 10 runner ducks and 3 khaki campbells. And the drake was a khaki. If i was gonna keep a drake i would prefer a runner duck . ....So 12 girl ducklings! And boy are they noisy!
And our 2 chinese geese look to be a pair. We are sooooo in love with them. We only wanted two girls, but im okay with a pair.
We have a couple close neighbors but between everyones dogs and goats and roosters i really dont think the geese will be any worse.
I could never have imagined that geese have this amazing of personalities. They are far more like puppies than the ducks and chickens.
They are so attached and follow me everywhere i move.
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