What kind of gosling???


14 Years
Apr 19, 2009
Valdez, Alaska
Hello - The person I got goose eggs from had Embden, Toulose, Chinese, African, Buff, Tufted Buff. She said they tend to mate with their own breed.

I got the eggs in state (Alaska) and out of 14 eggs I got this little guy. Only two were fertile. This might be a mix, but does this little guy look familiar as one of the types of geese I listed? He has a chunky little face. Thanks for helping me identify him/her.

All yellow like that is almost definitely a white chinese. All the other breeds you've listed start with some grey down or in the case of the buffs, some light brown down, on their backs.
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Thanks! He doesn't know what to think of the ducklings I have him in the brooder with. They think he is a soft pillow and all want to cuddle up with him. He is a lot more mellow, but lets them know when he has had enough.
He looks like their bright sunshine in this one.

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