Funny looking egg


In the Brooder
May 21, 2016
DeRidder, Louisiana
So, this just happened! One of my approximately 5 month olds, while walking back to the run, just squatted and laid this. They have layer feed and oyster shell, so I'm not sure what's going on. And what about that connector with what looks like the start of another egg? Not sure what to do about this. Any input is appreciated!

I'm so glad you posted this, we have one doing the SAME thing right now. Only problem is, I'm not sure which chicken is laying it. We have 20+ hens and they all lay randomly. This has been going on for about a week though, not sure how to fix the problem?
Yeah, it's an odd one...not incredibly common, but not unprecedented either.
Lots of funky eggs with new layers, I assume at 5 months she hasn't been laying long.
Looks like a soft shell(membrane only-no shelling) with some extra membrane.
As long as it doesn't continue frequently, nothing to worry about.

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