What to Feed Chickens to Gain weight?

Ok well hopefully she finds at least something that works to see if they gain some weight as some only are for a specific kind of worm that's why I recommended that as its for a few different worms
This is an old thread but I thought I'd add my 2 cents I found ways to add weight to chickens... mostly by accident since we consider them pets and don't want to eat them. Anyway they are FAT! I do enjoy having big birds as they look really healthy with vibrant plush feat hers we think they are beautiful. Even our ancona is a bit pudgy she didn't turn into a meat bird she's still slim looking. We're constantly giving them treats (they are on a diet now against their will haha). Sun flower seeds can really add on weight as well as peanuts dog food and peanut butter or buttered bread. Almonds have some healthy fats as well as a TON of calcium. I also go out at night for roach hunts with a flashlight. They spend all day free ranging so they are very muscley. I do have to say it's worth it since they make the best tasting eggs I've ever had ;)
We've been feeding the chicks treats too and they've shot up and look healthier than ever.
My mom bought an old sickly hen once (feeling bad for her) and we brought her home thinking she was going to die... and then we started feeding her dog food and scraps that old girl perked up started laying again her old beaten feathers molted (they were so brittle they felt like straw) and by the end of the month she was an entirely new bird and she lived another 3 years
I know this is an old thread, but thought I'd share on the roach hunt comment. Our girls LOVE roaches, so we do feed them as treats (keeping in mind you may need to deworm more often). To catch roaches at night, get an empty spaghetti sauce jar and spread vaseline on the inside of the opening about finger depth. Put a little dog or cat food inside and place the jar opening up outside where you think the roaches are. In the morning you'll have live roaches stuck in there and you can give them to your girls. No flashlight needed! :)
What kind of birds are they and how old are they?

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