Does anyone else raise insects for their birds?

I have raised mealworms for quite a while, first for reptiles and now for chickens and pheasants. This is the website with the most information that I have found. go to the left side of the page and click on Site/Search, and them go to "M" and find mealworms. It is a website for feeding/housing/attracting Eastern Bluebirds, it is a very interesting site.

The one thing I have learned about mealworm raising is keeping them warm speeds up the growth rate, and the cooler it is the slower they mature. I had mine in the airconditioned house and when I moved them out to the garage this summer the growth rate was faster. You will never get overrun with mealworms. Just feed more to the critters, or put what you think is your overage in the fridge. The problem most people have is not having enough on hand to both feed to the chickens and keep a good colony going so you don't run short. I keep a couple of colonies going at all times so I never run out.

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I raise Mealworms & Pupa, Crickets, Japanese Beetles & Larva, Earthworms, Pillbugs, Slugs and 4 types of water snails in fishtanks. Does anyone else raise anything exotic for their birds? I grow alot of different plants for them to. I uproot the whole plant or break branches off then throw it in their area.

this thread started years ago but i have to chime in....

i raise red worms and just got started with raising mealworms. wanted to raise crickets but it seems like too many hassles with that one. i looked into raising superworms but the fact that you have to separate them individually makes that too much of a hassle as well. setting my sites to raising maggots next. i want these insects (btw) to supplement the feed i give to my chickens.

i read that for raising mealworms, a good thing to feed them is wheat bran. does anyone know if it's ok to use the bran out of a box of raisan bran cereal (and just remove the raisans)? i've been using cornmeal so far.
The worm farm is the best thing ever. You get nice fat worms, beautiful compost and worm juice. You can keep it in your basement or in a cool garage.

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