Crushed oyster shells - how to feed?

Oyster shells crushed can be served separately on a feeder, ( I usually hang mine), or you can also mixed them with the feeds. Whatever is more appealing to the chickens, you have to find out. Oyster shells are so rich in calcium so it is healthy for hens especially those who are bound to lay eggs soon.
I'm so glad I found this thread! We've been mixing the oyster shells into their feed and the shells have been primarily ignored.

I am going to try the cat food approach first I think. Also a second dish for the shells. They love foraging so I am wondering if they are getting some calcium from the ground here as well.
Slight question here.
Bought 3lb of bulk oyster shell for my chickens. They are full grown. I'd say it's crumbled to about pebble/stone size but not crushed to flakes or powder.. should I get out my rolling pin?????? Thank you in advance :)
Every time I have a chicken question in mind I find the answer here. This forum is invaluable.
I just got my first shell less egg yesterday. It was perfect inside but without a shell. My area is rich in lime stone but down south here things decompose so quickly that the top of the soil is slightly acidic. My hens are free range. They have free access to laying pellets but since they spend most of their time hunting food outside they might need a supplement.

Every day they come running to me for a treat of scratch and live meal worms. I'll start adding some oyster shell to the mix. What they don't eat will break down and be good to the soil.

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