Roster shaking head side to side


11 Years
Jul 10, 2008
One of my 2 roosters has been shaking his head side to side for some time now, seems to be getting worse. It's not a constant thing, but he does it often. No other symtoms. Any ideas?
Thanks to everyone who replied.

Master S.M.C. - no other problems, he's with 1 other rooster and 15 hens. He is the only one doing this.

notsooldmcdonald- no frostbite. But he does have battle scars from the other rooster. They both have scars, but he is the only one with the head shaking. Could it be that he has head injury from fighting, sometimes he is pretty bloody about the comb/head?

yab- will look into the worm possibility

chickenzoo - he shakes his head regardless if wet or dry

MissPrissy- will check him for mites.


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