Anyone have Golden Pheasant mutations- Pics

I don't know?? If you can get on browser from your device and get on backyard chickens on mobile version it should work.

I have been on the mobile version and I have uploaded pictures in the past. I've been trying since last night, and it goes through everything and let's me select the photo, but when I press submit it just blanks out and goes back to the text part of the reply.
I don't know?? If you can get on browser from your device and get on backyard chickens on mobile version it should work.

I have been on the mobile version and I have uploaded pictures in the past. I've been trying since last night, and it goes through everything and let's me select the photo, but when I press submit it just blanks out and goes back to the text part of the reply.

That's odd it may be a glitch on Byc there have been quite a few people having problems with different things on here lately. Hope you get it fixed.

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