Do skunks eat chickens?


10 Years
Apr 6, 2009
Hi all, I'm new here, and have a predator question.

So the past several nights, we've been hearing some crazy noises in our yard between 2-4 am. The closest guess I have it that it is a skunk, as we did smell one the first night we heard the noise. (listen here)

Our hens are all safe & locked in their chicken tractor at night, but we have 3 roosters who at this point in time are free range. Last night around 4am my fiance woke up to rooster screams & the strange noise we've been hearing for several nights. He looked out the window and saw something small & black with a rooster. This morning, there are feathers all over where the creature was seen, and we haven't found any of the roosters. I know it got 1, but we're not sure about the other 2. No blood, no carcass, just the "fluff" feathers scattered about in two piles.

I don't think it was a raccoon, because I'm familiar with their chattering. This noise sounds almost like a cat fight- but different. The skunk noise was the closest I've found to it. (We're in NJ)
It was probobly a skunk. But theres no way to know for sure unless you see it.

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