How long will Cornish chickens live?


12 Years
Aug 22, 2007
I recently recieved 5 extra chicks and I think they are white laced cornish. Look just like the pictures. How long can I expect them to live if they aren't slaughtered? How old should they be when slaughtered?
If they are cornishx...they USUALLY are meant to be culled at 8 weeks. Now, I have 3...that were hatched March 10th. Yup, they are 6 months old....and the 2 hens are laying eggs!! I know my buff roo was takeing liberties with the I incubated a few of thier eggs. Out of 8 I put in, 2 lived....they are now a week old. I will get pics tomorrow. I know the bigguns wont last forever....but they seem healthy and happy...and they are like big old hound dogs...when I go into the coop, they walk over, and lay down on my feet, and just look up at me. ( its the begging eyes I cant slaughter them!) So, they will live as long as fate allows.
I'm glad somebody said that before I got to the bottom of the thread. Cornish and Cornish/Rock Crosses are two different things. Cornish are chunky broad breasted meat birds but aren't the frankenchickens of the broiler industry.
The Cornish is a standard breed of chicken. It comes in dark, white and white red laced colors. In England it's called the "Indian Game". They are normal chickens. They look like bulldogs, have an upright stance and are very broad breasted (look how far apart their legs are compared with other breeds).

Meat chickens are Cornish Crosses (or CornishX for short). This is a crossbreed using highly (over)selected parent strains of White Cornish and White Rock to produce a fast growing meat chicken. Over generations, the parents for the crosses are selected based upon weight gain, apparent aptitude for eating and feed converstion ratio. These offspring are the monster meat birds you see today.

Because the strains have been so developed for one goal in mind, things like longevity, disease resistance, laying ability and vigor are unselecte for... since what do those things matter if the chicken will only live 8 weeks?
Yeah, good thing cornish vs cornishx was pointed out! They are different. You're bird will live long lives... unless they are all roos' for some reason and go the way of the rooster.
Standard Cornish are usually raised for meat or for show. Their conformation is a broad breasted, heavy meat bird. They aren't prolific layers and like broad breasted turkeys, they don't mate well. Most are mated through artificial insemination.

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