My chicks have Diarrhea?


10 Years
Apr 14, 2009
My mom wanted me to make an account so I can ask stuff about our chicks etc. and were knew to chicks and all that blah blah anyways, So I have chicks that have Diarrhea and it keeps sticking to their butts. What should we do to get off and why do they all have Diarrhea? Is it bad for them??? I don't want them ti die because our last bantam chicks died.
How old are the chicks?

If less than a few weeks old make sure the poop isn't sticking to them and blocking the vent. If it is, you are dealing with pasty butt and must remove the poop or the chick will die. Soak the chicks bottom in warm water to soften the poop and gently rub until its gone. Check at least daily to make sure they can poop.

If they are older chicks, then we'll try to find out what's going on.

What feed are they eating? Treats? If so, what kind? Are they getting fresh clean water, daily? Are they all eating and drinking?
What does the poop look like? Does it have a foul odor? What color is the poop?

Answering these questions will help to figure out what's going on!

Welcome to BYC!
On other thread I posted this :

Wipe it off gently with warm water and a q-tip. Some soak the little butts first (I do in a lil bowel of water) and do it very softly (if not careful you can pull there pooper inside out...not good).

A pinch of baking soda (like Arm and Hammer) in there water will help keep this from happening.
They are eating Dumor chick starter and last week I gave them crushed up cheerios and a couple sunflower seeds without the shell. We give them fresh water daily. They are all eating and drinking. The poop looks like i don't know but its a Mahogany color and some of the chicks its runny. I haven't smelled it.....

Thanks for helping!

I should have acted sooner though, because one already died a couple of days ago. I'm uploading photos later on so if you wanna see them look in a post in "Raising Baby Chicks"

BTW, we bought them at TSC and they didn't say how old they were so we don't know. They are starting to grow wing feathers though!
may I suggest that you have them toooooo hot
the chickens sound like three weeks old already
so figure
98 degrees first week
minus 5 degrees 2nd week
minus another 5 degrees third week
makes it about 85 degrees for four week or less
where are they residing
house or chicken coop?
keep the dry crumbles in front of them
and water with 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar per gallon of water
this will help the gut flora to stabilize in their gut

let us know what is happening
I have the exact same probelm with a couple of my chicks. Their poop is runny and a brown color. They are all eating and drinking like crazy and I have only been giving them chick food + a few crickets and meal worms on weekends for treats. This is my first time so we are all learning together!! Appreciate any and all help.

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