
Hello I adopted several roosters, they were used for fighting and I have nursed them back to health. But there is this one that they called a Warhorse I havent been able to find much information on him, he beautiful I would love to have a warhorse hen to have chickies. Any advise? Thank you. P.s. Always remember to smilem
Hello I adopted several roosters, they were used for fighting and I have nursed them back to health. But there is this one that they called a Warhorse I havent been able to find much information on him, he beautiful I would love to have a warhorse hen to have chickies. Any advise? Thank you. P.s. Always remember to smile
Hello I adopted several roosters, they were used for fighting and I have nursed them back to health. But there is this one that they called a Warhorse I havent been able to find much information on him, he beautiful I would love to have a warhorse hen to have chickies. Any advise? Thank you. P.s. Always remember to smilem
Hello I adopted several roosters, they were used for fighting and I have nursed them back to health. But there is this one that they called a Warhorse I havent been able to find much information on him, he beautiful I would love to have a warhorse hen to have chickies. Any advise? Thank you. P.s. Always remember to smile

The warhorse is a game chicken used for fighting like you said! They have a red hackle (neck) it could be light red or dark red with a dark red sattle feathers. They could be solid black. They're straight combed 100% straight comb I have some warhorse myself !
Click this link to see one!

Is this a warhorse?

Yes that is a bacon warhorse
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