A lot of folks dont think chickens have emotions...

Great, tear the doors from the cages of the moderators, freeing them like a pack of tortured, abused, wolves; rushing, fangs bared, howling in unison for my bannination!!

Actually, Ivan, Im more worried about you and the worms. With the mods, there wont be much howling, as satisfying as that may be. Theyre pretty low key when it comes to doing their duty.

I just think you had better be careful with those planaria, there. Pretty soon the International Planaria Protection Society will get wind of your abuse and obviously horrific experiments, and come swooping to the aid of those poor, hapless, emotion-wracked critters. Oh, the humanity!​
Hey, thanx for the `heads up', but every since McConnell nearly got `blended' by that two legged worm T.K. All worms are counted and locked down


(I was a Rattus guy myself - tightening the stereotax and ablating Substantia Nigras again and again and again - the resulting histology work came in handy). And, yeah, I've got three Big Victors locked and loaded under the turkey shed - not gonna sneak up on me!

Take care,
Why thanks!

Libra and Paramedic.......Close?

Virtually indistinguishable

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