Anyone Have Pics of Blue Mille Fleur d'Uccles?

I ordered 25 of the Blue Mille Fleur d'Uccle Bantams.... Can someone post a Picture yet
...Please (Not the Self Blue)
I can't wait till the get here. I Put in a Huge order I couldn't wait on eggs anymore...LOL

I put in an order for 25 each of the Blue Mille Fleur d'Uccle Bantams, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Bantams, Blue Laced Red Cornish Bantams, and Mottled Cochin Bantams
beautiful! Saw this thread and thought I would post a picture of our D'Uccle, think it is a roo, the receipt said it was a Millie Fleur, but wanted to see what you thought....

Gorgeous birds!
I just got this chick yesterday and I believe she's a d'Uccle. From what I've seen, she seems lighter than a mille fleur... do you think she's a maybe a blue mille fleur?
(I'm new to the chicken world :)
Gorgeous birds! 
I just got this chick yesterday and I believe she's a d'Uccle. From what I've seen, she seems lighter than a mille fleur... do you think she's a maybe a blue mille fleur?
(I'm new to the chicken world :) [URL=][/IMG[/URL]]

Looks like mille fleur and porcelain d'uccle

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