Meanest mom in the world....

Kids are so spoiled these days. They think they NEED cell phones, mp3 players, laptop computers, and a NEW car. That is just ridiculous. Three words............... GET A JOB.
LOL!! I already got that covered!!! She has a "school" computer, everything else is blocked.
I thought about that courtesy of my oldest girl as well.
She would always say she was going onto the computer to do homework and end up on my space. The computer was banned except under supervision very early on.
And I thought I was the "meanest, stupidest, not nice, totally unfair mom in the world!!!!" and I just threw out the TV!!!

I think you are the bestest mom!!!

Removal of cell phone is the bestest punishment ever... I will be using this against my daughter. Its much better then my mother's punishment of taking my house keys away?!

My husband and I are proud of being mean parents. My poor kids don't stand a chance. I've already told my kids, "I'm your mother, not your friend. We'll be friends when you're older, have your own kids and I can laugh at you."

Here are our rules:
1) Nothing lower than a B,
2) You will be involved in at least one team sport,
3) You will practice whatever sport or activity you decide to try out for,
4) You will do chores,
5) You will learn to cook,
6) You will learn to wash clothes (properly),
7) You will learn to take care of the animals,
8) You will wash my car if you draw smilies in the dust,
9) You will become a hardworking, self-respecting, self-reliant, independent, intelligent woman,
10) You will not roll your eyes at your father (or my hand will reach the side of your head from whatever part of the house I'm in),
11) You will not sigh loudly,
12) You will not stomp or slam doors
13) If you try to act sullen and pout, I will ask you many questions and continue to talk to you, until you realize I will outlast you and you give up.

The consequences are, but not limited to:
1) Losing your cell phone
2) Losing your DS Lites (I took one away for so long, she forgot she had one)
3) Losing all computer privileges
4) Performing additional chores
5) Showing up at your school
6) Not allowing attendance at an extracurricular school function
7) Being lectured by your father (we all hate that)

I've also warned my children that I am legally obligated to feed, cloth and house them. There is no law that says that I can't feed them water, peanut butter sandwiches and fruits/veggies, only. Nor is there a law that states that I must cloth them in Abercrombie, American Eagle and Hollister clothing. Finally, there is no law that requires that they sleep in their own queen-size beds, in their own large rooms, with their own walk-on-closets.

Luckily, they're good, smart kids and I rarely have any problems.

P.S. - All their friends love coming to our house and we make them do chores too!
What a wonderful parent you are! You have shown her you mean 'business' and she will one of life's greatest lesson---' If you don't work for something--you will do with out".

Stay strong and don't give it back..Next yr.. she'll work harder...QB

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