Despurring my rooster-I DID IT!!!!!

And do you think you if I did my two Roos at once, they are the only two in my flock, and used the bloodstop and blukote, I could probably let them back in to the flock ? As separating them out will surely create a problem because I could only do one at a time. Also at what point do you know it's time to de-spur? My guys are 2yo, spurs are about 2" long, I'm thinking I need to do them now before spring gets here...
I only de-spur my roos if they're getting so long as to interfere with their walking, or they're so sharp they hurt the hens, or if they're using them to hurt each other. I think that if you do both your roos at once, and treat them if there's bleeding, they could return to their flocks right away and not need to be kept separate.

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