Bourbon Red Turkey Sexes??

From your photo it does appear that you have two hens and a tom.  It is only the breast feathers of the adults that can indicate the sex of the turkey.  The adult breast feathers of dark colored hen turkeys will have a light colored bottom edge while the adult breast feathers of dark colored tom turkeys will either be black or just the same solid color as the rest of the feather.

The back feathers have no meaning as both the hens and toms can have solid color without any light lower edge colors.

The breast feathers correspond with the back feathers but as far as photos go these birds were not being cooperative in the least. The Tom had the dark edge on the back and the hens had the light edge on the breast and back as well. They certainly wouldn't stand still but at least I now feel confident that I have a Tom and two hens. I hadn't ever seen him strut or gobble but I played the sound of a turkey gobbling and he raised his head and made a noise as if he was at least trying to gobble. They are all skiddish and I expected them to be rather bold but maybe it is because they are in with some chickens that are extremely bold. At least they are bigger than the chickens now. At some point maybe they will feel their size. So far I really like them and when I finally turn these birds loose hopefully they will free range well.
Who can tell me the gender of my red bourbon turkey at 3 months 3 week old


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