Chicken owner charged after shooting dog.

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I think both individuals should be charged. Gapp let his dog off-leash, breaking leash laws (unless I missed something and there are no leash laws) and Harris should be charged based on his law breaking as well. The one thing that stumps me is why chickens aren't considered livestock in this situation??? Is it because they're being raised inside city limits??? Or because he doesn't have at least a certain number of them???? It is a mystery!

I love dogs and chickens, and actually two weeks ago our 15 year old family dog killed my one legged rooster and the BO hen we put out with him. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. This dog is so old there's no way he would understand correction (he's 80% blind and deaf....he can only see shadows, which is how he got the bird) and I loved my chicken. I quietly buried my chickens and moved on. I'm not saying everyone should do this, because if that dog had gotten my whole flock I would have done....something....I don't know what, but something. All I'm saying is that for a dog AND chicken lover these situation are really TOUGH.

Maybe we should all learn a lesson: be sure to THOROUGHLY know your chicken related laws!!!!
Yes, it is imperative that we all be super polite. Ranting or rude e-mails will just make us look like fools and will be counter-productive. It is not the prosecutor's fault this happened, but it may be up to him if they proceed. At least that's how it seems to happen on TV. Let's all be polite and just share our experiences and thoughts without being nasty or overly emotional.
Wow, Jody. That is an impressive, impassioned letter/email worthy of notice. I hope he reads it and takes it to heart.
That one burns me up too. Even if you consider them pets and not livestock, would you let someone elses dog attack yours, or your cat, in your yard without doing something about it????
I haven't read a lot of this post but I think that chickens ARE counted as livestock BUT I think the chicken owner should have made sure the dog was either digging into the coop or attacking his poultry. Technically the poor dog was innocent and cant be proven guilty yet. Also the owner should have kept them on a leash and hopefully he learned from this incident. It was BOTH parties falts.

**Edited to replace flaming adjective**
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I love this idea. If I lived in Oregon, I would totally do it.....if I could get my hands on a chicken costume.
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