Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Meet lil Si. I went to TSC today for more duck treats, and he was all by himself. I asked why, and they told me he was the runt of the group, and had also been injured during shipping. So,the kids and I got 6 little banty chicks ( cuz why not spread the love, and we had to buy others or couldn't get him) , and they gave me him to take home and see if I can at least try and take care of him. Hoping you will send him positive healing thoughts and prayers.
Awww, hope he does ok, and Camo cake!! Cool.
Wait. Is this a loaded question?!?!
ummm, nope. I'm really not that clever. Still mystified that you play a sport that early.
I will need to know before 5:30am! Not that I really want to ride 2.5hrs with that loud mouth SOB in the back of the car... Darn gander anyways. Oh, it will be Beau and his one wing still sticks out some from angel wing. I wrapped them, but he'd pull the wraps off within a few hours and I'd have to go and re-wrap them again. I just put the following eggs in lock down for a Sunday/Monday hatch: 7 Tolbunt Polish from CrazyPetLady 2 Chocolate Bantam Orps from my own birds 1 MFC from my own birds 11 OE (Ameraucana x Delaware) from my own birds 12 Wheaten Ameraucanas from what's now Heather's birds 31 bantam BBS Orpingtons from Mama2my4 And a lone duckling I am still waiting on from 2 days ago (it's wiggling and trying to internally pip). This will be my biggest hatch ever. I need to build a new brooder on Sunday. Seriously. It will be 8' x 2' x 2'. I messed up on my 6' x 4' x 2' - I can't reach all the chicks! My arms do not reach 4'... I knew this Sportsman would get me in trouble! LOL!
Oh wow! Me too!!, less the Sportsman! We have our biggest hatch ever locked down and hatching Monday. My son's BLRW all developed!
I'll be at the york show too..anyone selling hatching eggs??
MsLadyHawke will have Langshan eggs. She breeds both LF and Bantam, not sure what the eggs are. Almost time to head out!! Time to load some birds in my car!! Gardenin, I have Bantam Cochins. I'm bringing a pretty nice looking boy that's coloring in well, but can't keep em all, right?
I have one dozen eggs I cant use! They were shipped as pures and they are EE's , so I am told now

If anyone local can use them come get them! They are ameraucana roo over buff orphs!

Free someone please come save them!

North Berks just of I78 a few exits west of cabelas

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