Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I have a broody with a few eggs under her....I think if mama can get them up and running, they'll be laying in April. From my mixed flock...I can tell there are differences in personality..but I think each bird does its own deal...if leghorns never went broody...there'd be no leghorns....for what its worth here's a reference link  with a column for broodyness....

Thanks for the input!

salmonella is from raw eggs and not washing ones hands

anything else I should be concerned about........

I have not given my girls any medicine..........just grower feed and scratch and lots of fruits and veggies as treats..........and green pastures to forage............

how long is an egg safe outdoors? 

I am 99% sure this one is safe................but I am just trying to inform myself......

Lisa, don't over-think it too much. If its not really old or something, odds are its fine. I wormed mine with Wazine 17 and supposedly it says you can never eat their eggs again someone told me. So, being the stupid person I am, I immediately and intentionally started eating them to test the theory. Want to know what the gruesome affect of eating those eggs were? Nothing. Nothing happened. I didn't feel sick at all and I ate them for days in a row. If a hen is sick, it more than likely wont be laying eggs anyway. That's not 100% or anything but I would bet that is usually the case. Eat the egg and enjoy it!
I have a broody with a few eggs under her....I think if mama can get them up and running, they'll be laying in April. From my mixed flock...I can tell there are differences in personality..but I think each bird does its own deal...if leghorns never went broody...there'd be no leghorns....for what its worth here's a reference link  with a column for broodyness....

So looking at that link, what does setters and non- setter mean? It says leghorns are non-setters. Obviously she is broody and sitting on eggs but I don't know what these terms mean or are referring to. I tried to compare to something like a silkie that I know make great moms and go broody but they aren't listed.

Oh no...Baseball terms...American league I didn't hurt your apologies...

Stake... I do believe she is just yanking your chain! LOL!
Quote: PM me with what you want & I'll see what I can do. If you want enough birds to make it worth the extra drive I'll do it since it looks like I will be driving my car tomorrow instead of my friend driving his truck. I'm leaving at 5am, so make sure to get ahold of me before then!!! Looks like I won't be bringing home as many goats as originally planned, but that's not a big deal as long as I get the ones I want.

Quote: Non-setter means that breed is not known to be very broody. It does not mean that they will never go broody, just that it is unlikely as compared to a breed that goes broody often. Just because a breed is considered a setter does not guarantee that it WILL go broody either, just that it's more likely to than a lot of breeds.

Quote: Do I have to pass by you tomorrow? And if I do, how many of these spare roos would you like delivered? LOL I just got 5 more dumped on me this afternoon. That makes 14 roos, 11 hens/pullets, 1 guinea hen & 2 guinea cocks going into that pen.
Silkie Sensation,

If you stay on Rt 81 north, instead of taking the exit for rt 78 east, you can get to Hazleton on the way to Brodheadsville, with no significant extra maileage, and you'll escape some of the turnpike tolls too. Just like taking two other sides of a rectangle, to get to the same point at the opposite corner.
Silkie Sensation,

If you stay on Rt 81 north, instead of taking the exit for rt 78 east, you can get to Hazleton on the way to Brodheadsville, with no significant extra maileage, and you'll escape some of the turnpike tolls too. Just like taking two other sides of a rectangle, to get to the same point at the opposite corner.

I checked it, adds about 20 minutes to my total time from the original route, but do-able. Just need to hear back on what she wants now before I have to leave at 5am. Catching duckies in the dark shall be fun...LOL

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