best way to candle quail eggs?

If they are too speckled wait till 10-12 days and float them. That is what I do. Ignore the people that says it takes the coating off the egg. Never had a problem with floating them. You just have to make sure the temp of the water is 99c. If they wobble they are alive - if they sink they are tossed - if they float and not wobble still keep them because they still might hatch or they could be a little behind the rest.
Candling is great for chickens and light coloured quail eggs without spots, but quail eggs are also thicker and harder to see through.
Take it from me if you want to see if they are alive float them and you will really see in day light.

I read that when you do the float test, the ones that sunk were the developing ones! It said because there is more mass in those eggs. Its so hard to know what information is accurate. I have button quails and every article has a different incubation period listed too. Some say theirs hatch day 14, others said 16 days on the dot, and others say 17-18 days and the last person i bought from on ebay said it could take up to 23 days to hatch!!
Excuse me, but I can candle my quail eggs at day 5 and I can see if they are fertile or not. The only ones that I find difficult (but not impossible) to see are those with dots on them, rather that spots.. they have harder shells. You go in a complete dark room and then have a look at this post:

I did end up buying an actual Quail Candler and 10 out of 17 are fertile! Woohoo

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