Cochin What Color???

Chicken Crazy12

10 Years
Mar 10, 2009
Ok, so I know there are a few posts on the lemon blue cochins and I've been reading and trying to sifer through them, but I still have some questions about it.

I have a cochin rooster that was purchased as a blue cochin cockerel. We went to the ladies house and got to see her birds and picked him up at a good price. She pointed out that he had a tiny speck of brownish red on one feather on his shoulder, but it was so small that I just figured it would moult out or you would never be able to notice once he was bigger. He just looked like a blue cochin to me only looking close could you see the speck on his shoulder. As he grew so did the speck. He now appears to be a blue gold birchen to me. I'm no chicken expert, but thats all I could come up with after looking on the internet for hours and hours. Will post a pic later of him.

So this is my question: How could he be a blue goldbirchen when his parents were blue? The lady had a closed flock of only blue standard cochins. She was breeding for splash and blues specificaly and had very nice stock and very good breeder pens. Is there some way that this color is a recessive that popped out of the blues?

How could I go about recreating his color on offspring? He isn't breeding just yet, still a touch young, but he's so pretty. Right now I only have buff, gold laced, silver laced, and barred hens to pair him with what would be the best color to pair with him to hatch eggs from in hopes of recreating this gorgeouse color?

And lastly what do I call it? Blue gold birchen or lemon blue? I've seen pics of cochins others are calling lemon blue that have buff patches on the chest and such, but this guy is not like that his hackles are a pretty yellow gold color and then the coloring goes over his wings and back a bit, but the rest of him is blue. no patch on the chest. It's like the birchen pattern only its goldish on a blue body rather than a black body. He is still a bit young and I have no idea how much more coloring he will get.

Thanks in advance I know I have lots of questions, sorry.
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;)Here is the pic of him.

So what do you think? Chicken experts out there, what would you call his color?

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Today I got an egg from the barred hen this guy is with and I'm planning to set it along with any others I get out of her over the next few days. She's been with him for a while now and it's never been confirmed if he's breeding or not, guess he's just bashful about it if he is. So I'll set some eggs and check to see if they are fertile

Anyone have a website link that explains basic color genetics of chickens for total newbies. LOL.
I used to raise show rabbits on a pretty good scale and learned all the ins and outs of genotypes and phenotypes, but in comparison the chicken genotypes have been like alien language for me. I know if someone could just point me in the right dirrection I could catch on really quickly having prior knowledge of genotypes.
Can this happen out of an all blue breeding flock? I wish I had pics to show of him as a young cockeral, but I never took any because I never dreamed he would come out like this. Thanks
Can this happen out of an all blue breeding flock? I wish I had pics to show of him as a young cockeral, but I never took any because I never dreamed he would come out like this. Thanks

Yes- there have been a few threads lately about the same problem. It can show up in any blue/black/splash flock- no matter what breed.

I got some cochins from a breeder in MO with lovely birds- and all of my male splash ended up "bleeding red" or basically leaking gold.

Here was when I asked about it:
This guy came from a breeder in Sedalia, MO. Any chance he is from the same line? She was working on splash and blues. He was supposed to be blue and like you said as he got older and more mature the gold just kept growing on him.

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