What do you raise on your Farm?

We currently have:

12 Rabbits (New Zealand & Californians)
3 Goats (maybe more later, we think at least one of the girls is pg)
16 Chickens (Rhode Island Reds, Speckled Sussex, Red Stars, Barred Rocks, Black Australorps, 1 Ameraucana and 1 White Crested Black Polish named Krammer)

We hope to get a dog early next year. We've only had our little farm for 10 months now, things take time.

Fun to read what others are raising!
1 dog
2 cats
1 parrotlet
2 fish
2 crested geckos
2 whites tree frogs
2 mice
4 turkeys
13 call ducks
40 cornish broilers
35 layers
2 horses
2 pigs
2 goats
1 rabbit

Dazookeyper - do you mean Degu?
I have unknown number of chickens, though I have a feeling it's close to or over the 50 mark.....
35 goats boer/Spanish/Nubian cross
2 goslings: buff pomeranian
12 call ducks: white, pastel, grey, and snowy
2 cats
1 llama
2 horses
and have both corturnix and bobwhite quail in the incubator
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As of right now:
-1 dog
-2 cats
-49 coturnix quail (7 adult hens, 42 Juveniles)
-63 bobwhite quail chicks
-12 turkeys (6 for meat and 6 pets/breeders)
-99 chickens (I think anyway
-about 30 fish
-1 ball python
Oh man

Various silkies
3 easter eggers
A pair of legbars
A birchen marans and an olive egger hen
10 barred Hollands
6 pyncheons
A pair of buff ducks
A couple faverolleXsilkies
One lonely black marans too
A lovely Tennessee Walker and her sidekick, the accident prone pintaloosa
5 cats, 3 dogs, fluctuating platies, and a year old betta who keeps coming back from the dead

Not much compared to some people, but man we need to cut our stock down.

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