Same Barred Rock...Still looks roo-ish to me...


11 Years
Apr 26, 2008
Cypress, Texas
I know, I know, I've posted this BR on here 3 times now lol. It's comb just looks really big to me. It is 4 weeks old now. Still thinking pullet?


Sure looks like a pullet to me. Feathers and legs give it away. Just look at my barred rock roo's at only 2-3 weeks. Feathers and HUGE combs make it obvious.

This vs. my 4-5 week old barred rock pullet
I have some 4 wk old BRs that are the same way. They all have dark feathering and the same size legs, but that comb on some of them just seems soo big! Everyone said they are pullets except for my husbands aunt, but what the heck does she know? I hope here in the next few weeks they grow into their combs!!

It's a pullet. Trust me, that is no BR boy. Let me get a pic of one for you that age for comparison. BRB.

Here is a 5 week old BR cockerel. I think you can see the difference. Not all have combs that large at that age, but the plumage color is what is the key on BR chicks.

As long as you didn;t get eggs from me, chances are it's a girl and not a dark boy.....

My hen that throws dark boys is no longer in the Barred Rock pen.

See what happens:

(Bird to the right)



All Grown up:

A BR pullet has one copy of the barring gene. A BR cockerel has two, hence the lighter color. The barring on the youngster isn't great, but that is typical of hatchery stock, really. And it should get a bit better as she gets older.

Lockedhearts's rooster is just an oddball, LOL. He kept us guessing for months!

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