? about chickens & oats

Oats like most grass is a plant as soon as it has roots and leaves.
Now plants that sprout with cotyledons are not a plant until they have there true leaves and are no longer relying on the cotyledons to make photosynthesis. Also photosynthesis starts as soon as leaves receives sunlight.
Thank You Chris09... reminds me of when my dad told me as a kid to only transplant once there were 'true leaves'.
wow excellent idea thanks
I mix my oats with warm water, add corn, (red pepper in winter months),meal worms, molasses, honey, pre-shelled sunflower seed, etc.. Not all of it at once but i will mix it up. My girls love it. Just make it thick so it don't clog their nostrils. I even make balls of verity's for winter treats.
I mix my oats with warm water, add corn, (red pepper in winter months),meal worms, molasses, honey, pre-shelled sunflower seed, etc.. Not all of it at once but i will mix it up. My girls love it. Just make it thick so it don't clog their nostrils. I even make balls of verity's for winter treats.

RIGHT ON Karen Woman THATS A GREAT IDEA...!!!! I made a hot mash for my older horses every winter, and they lived 24 years longer then any horse should have...! plus the corn helps to keep them warm , and the meal worms are a great treat for the chcikens, my parrot loves hot peppers ,but I didnt know that chickens would also like it...? thats a great recipe...!!! i just made mine some corn bread last night with a lot of those ingredients....lol... and added in a bit of wild bird seed....lol... told the hubby not to eat it.....lol.... but he did sneak a tiny piece any way ....lol...
but didnt like all the seeds.....lol........lol...
thanks for posting your recipe...!!! take care Dianna
I make them proper porridge now the weather is getting colder and they love it. I also started giving a small bowl of oat milk to one of my girls who wasn't eating enough grit/shell/calcium and she absolutely loved it and I've not had a problem egg from her since.
Sort of a dumb question, I guess, but here goes-

I want to feed my chickens oats as a treat this summer, because I've read that oats won't jack up their body temp. So, do I go to the feed store for whole, raw oats? Or can I feed something like Quaker Old-Fashioned Oats (the kind you cook before serving). I'm guessing instant oatmeal isn't what I want? If the stuff is dry, pre-packaged oatmeal, would it expand & do them harm after they eat it?

Thanks for your advice!
[/quotqumy feed has feedstore oats in it some people soak them in water i don't know what it does I just give it to em plain!

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