Slit Throats or Decapitation? What should I do??

My husband and I use a small traffic cone for our killing cone. Works like a charm. If we have a large bird we use a larger cone. We put them in it even after we decapitate too and they thrash without briusing themselves. It's worked very well for us.
Jay, I think the best thing is for you to research all the methods, and experiment with a few in order to draw your own conclusions. I've tried chopping, pithing, yanking, & slitting before deciding that the throat slit was the best method...for ME. I wish you success, let us know what you try & what you decide.
My uncle used to kill birds using an ice pick up through the roof of the mouth into the brain. Death was instantaneous then he'd bleed them out but they also plucked easily--apparently this kept relaxed the feather sockets somehow. He's long gone and I never learned the technique--sigh.

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