Are they bored in the brooder?

Make sure they have enough room - put a branch in there for them to roost or get up on. Meal worms are great treats and make them very happy to see you! I always talk to my chicks when I am around - they know your voice and will come when you call (more so when they get older). As they get older you can offer different treats. I always give my older chicks alfalfa hay to pick at - they love it and it gives them something to do and is very healthy - you can also pick short grass and clover for them depending on where you live - No long or stemmy grasses. Good Luck!
Yes room is defiantly important!!! So if they have enough room here is what I do. We have 8 chicks right now, and 2 tiny plastic trays of chick feed, and a chick waterer. We put pebbles in the waterer for 2 reasons. One they are attracted to the shiny of it so it helps keep them hydrated and two because while they are very little it keeps them from drowning. We took the pebbles out this morning because they are almost a full week and won't drown and know how to drink well. Our chicks didn't seem very impressed with the he brooder so we added a sturdy twinge in one corner of the box for them to roost on. They scratch in their food for fun, and peck at the side of the box if there is a tiny speck lol. But what I found they love the most, is one of those small organic planters. Pic below
They peck at it and drag it around and turn it over and roost on it. Love it!!





Lol!! It's a hoot!!

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