how often do you clean your coop

I have 9 chickens and clean the coop every two weeks. I scoop out all pine shavings and poop board and put fresh shavings , PDZ, DE and mix it all up. Nesting boxes get cleaned out when needed, i inspect them every day and clean when needed.
My coop gets total cleaning once a month w/ pine shavings> during spring, summer & fall // Winter we will see as first year having hen's .
"water" gets cleaned out every other day and feeder once a week Both hang under coop off ground as coop 4 feet off ground
run 12 X 12 gets raked out once a week and new sand put in as needed // I learned about sand usage and it's all true easy to clean up and no stinkin. & no mud pit after a rain!!!!!
Girls were out on this day free ranging.

I'm very new to this and this site is excellent for novices like myself. I have 10 2 month old Rhode Island reds. I put wood shavings in the run try spread most of it themselves I sweep the coop out each morning so far so good. I hope, lol
How often do i clean my coop? Depends on what part of the coop you're talking about. Under their roosts (where they do most of their pooping from - at night while they sleep - I have trays. Like poop boards but with sides and are filled with granulated zeolite ("SweetPDZ") . Think: Six foot long kitty litter boxes. These I scoop out daily in the evening when I go to collect the eggs. It takes me about 5 minutes to do this and just about fills a 2Lb coffee can. The floor is currently due for it's first cleaning since I finished the coop about four months ago. I use a combination of KoopClean and a dusting of diatomaceous Earth. I found it doesn't really get dirty, not just because the trays catch most of it but because most of it seems to get kicked and scratched out of the coop before it has a chance.

The KoopClean also, I found, tends to dry up any poop that falls in it so it too gets kicked out. The threshold at the people door is removable so all I will have to do is sweep it out into their run.
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