Looking For Hatching Eggs in NC


9 Years
Apr 18, 2010
Henderson, NC
I'm looking for a steady supply of fertile eggs from various breeds. RIR, BO, BR, leghorns and more! I have empty incubators and a supplier I had set up to work with just lost a good part of his flock to an overnight fire.

I'd prefer to set something up where I can pick up eggs once or twice a week. I'm a little North of Raleigh but I'm not afraid to drive a little.

Let me know what you have please!

Hello! I do believe we've been in touch before--I'm a writer and had talked to you about interviews for some article ideas I had for a magazine. Nothing has come of that yet, by the way... But I do have fertile eggs! lol

I'm pretty sure I've seen you at Yorkmont Farmer's Market, haven't I? I live very close to there and could bring you eggs to that location every Saturday if you were interested. If I'm wrong about that--and Raleigh is an awfully long way to come for a Saturday morning farmer's market, so perhaps I am--then we'll have to figure something out if you're interested. I'm located near the Charlotte airport, so I'm close to I-85, but it's still a long way from Raleigh.

Anyway, what I have are duck eggs. Indian Runners, to be specific, with Magpies (from Holderread) coming this Fall if all goes well. The Indian Runners are pure breed, but mixed colors. I expect, however, to have blues breeding blues from my Holderread birds this Fall (Holderread is the nation's foremost quality waterfowl breeder), which would yield blues, blacks, and splash (just like in blue chickens). The ducklings have been selling VERY well at $5 each (and actually the mixed colors are the cutest and sell the fastest, lol), and the adults are outstanding layers. Hatching eggs, which are selected from my best eggs each morning, stored at room temp, labeled by date, and turned daily, (and always less than a week old), are $12 a dozen. I don't ship, as there is a good market here in town and shipping is more trouble than I want to get into at this point.

Let me know if this is at all interesting to you. I could provide between two and three dozen fertile hatching eggs per week at present, and by Fall hopefully four to six dozen a week.
I sent you an email

I live in 27807, just 30 mins from Raleigh. I have fertile eggs from Golden Comets. I have a couple other breeds too, I'll need to get pictures up on my profile. I have the opposite problem of you, I have eggs and not enough incubators! Let's work something out.

I am a kindergarten teaching in CMS. I saw that you are located near Charlotte. My students will be learning about Oviparous animals in a few weeks and we were hoping to get some eggs to hatch. Duck eggs would be ideal. We have done chicken eggs in the past and have an incubator. Do you have anything available?

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