At what age do they begin to roost at night?

Our flock members are 3 months old and they can and do get on the roost some during the day but at night they pile in the corner - all 30 of them. I have gone out to check late at night and they don't move from their pile. A couple will look up but that's it. I assume they will when they want to.
Do I leave the Roost open all night or close it when they get older? My chicks are about 8 weeks old, currently cost it at night. They are really good about going in at sundown. Please advise? In the morning, I open it...Just trying to understand as they get older do I leave that door open?
Thanks. Debra
Mine didn't roost till about 3 weeks after I put them in their pen and coop(10 weeks ish). It just seemed to take them a while to figure it out. For 3 weeks I kept wondering if my chickens were a little "slow" compared to everyone else's chickens till one night.....there they were on the roost, all by themselves. I was so proud.
I know this is an old post but its what I needed to read. My girls (& roo) have a beautiful coop. They are about 7-8 weeks old and have been in the coop for about 2 weeks and insist on sleeping on the floor.

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