Anyone else a Doctor Who fan???

Is anyone else ticked off at Netflix for dropping Doctor Who?
Definitely not "Fantastic!"
Netflix AND hulu. So annoyed.
This is what BBC decided to do with Doctor Who. $1.99 an episode! Nope.
Greedy Brits!
Oh, we are. Been watching since the 1970"s. Have a Tardis shower curtain, cookie jar, and a sticker on my truck... Trying to buy up some episodes , as we only watch on Roku, gave up regular Tv long ago. I wish they could package Tom Baker DVD's for a reasonable amount....I do manage to get other seasons reasonable on ebay... so , um "yes, I raise waterfowl (why? "somebody has too"), love Dr. Who, Star Trek, Star Wars and some other SciFi... and have a donkey and horses, and um," no, not a foodie, don't care much about fashion or gossip or girlie groupie things... also like some arts and crafts , building stuff, gardening... and classic books and quiet....
Hi I'm Ella I'm really awesome sometimes usually most of the time. I'm very tomboyish, I hate pink , love reading, and one of my hobbies is being bored. My other hobbies include donating money to help missionaries spread the Gospel to orphaned penguins, being bored, daydreaming, and staring at my chcikens. I also enjoy sending love texts to widowed crows. #spreadthelove #iamreallyweird #doctorwho

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