What does a de-beaked chicken look like? (beak trimmed)?


11 Years
Mar 9, 2008
Rhode Island
i want to order 6 started pulllets from mcmurray hatchery, but they all come debeaked! I dont know how i feel about it. What are the pros and cons? I know pecking wouldnt be a problem here, because i only want a small flock of 6.
I have a friend who ordered from Mc Murray and they really cut the beak right off, almost to the nostrils. When she called to complain, the lady said it must have been a mistake. . .
Sorry steve, but more accurately:

Pros: less (not "no") cannibalism or picking

Cons: there is evidence that the pain is long-term, like a year or more, plus which debeaking makes it difficult for chickens to eat normally off hard surfaces.

Not an activist, just an owner of 3 debeaked hens (when I ordered them as ready-to-lay pullets from the feed store, I just did not stop to think about the debeaking thing, and what was I going to do, refuse to take them?) who get along pretty well but really I cannot see doing that to a chicken unless there is a pretty darn good reason, and 'because I want to keep them in excessively crowded conditions' (which is why it's done) does not strike me as a justification


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