porcelain silkies! updated with pictures!**

Will it look like this?

Here is my porcelain roo. Really want to know what color I should breed him to. Will a porcelain roo produce porcelains if bred to a certain color?


Here is a great breeding color chart that was posted on the Silkie thread.

Black x black = 100% black
Black x blue = 50% black, 50% blue
Black x splash = 100% blue

Blue x blue = 50% blue, 25% black, 25% splash
Blue x splash = 50% blue, 50% splash

Splash x splash = 100% splash that dilutes over time, need black bred back w/splash

Buff x buff = 100% buff

White x white = 100% white
White x any other color = is unpredictable

Dominant white bred to partridge gives you Red Pyle

Isabelle = breed Lavender to buff, then take chicks and breed back to Lav.

Lavender = lav x lav

Lav x split lav (black w/lav gene) = 50% lav, 50% split

Black lav split is a black bird carrying a recessive Lavender gene

Sheila :)
Wow, thats a great piece of info. If I have a lav split hen that looks a medium blue color but her undercoat is lavender, where is the best pen for her? I have the following BBS, Partridge, Pure porcelain, white, and I will eventually have a cuckoo with both cuckoo and black. I am thinking either the porcelain or BBS. Although Partridge may be interesting. Thoughts Anyone?

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